What is a meaningful life?
I really don’t think it’s about working hard.
About having a career. About making a lot of money.
What if a successful life is more about
our inner qualities than material possessions?
When we develop our kindness and awareness,
we may contribute much more to other people’s wellbeing
than when we are constantly under stress because we ‘have to’ work hard.
Maybe someone without a job,
who is committed to healing their past wounds,
taking care of their inner child,
and transforming unwholesome habits,
is contributing much more to society
than someone with a nine to five job
who is unconsciously transferring cycles of suffering
to their family and children.
Of course, you could say, we can have both:
We can work hard for a cause we believe in
devote time and energy to our healing journey.
Yes, maybe we can have both.
And yet, my experience is that our healing journey
can at times feel like a fulltime job.
When we are truly taking time and space
to allow old pain to come to the surface,
it can seem like there is very little space left for other things. (more…)