I see you, wise woman.
How often you hold back.
How you swallow your words.
How you keep yourself small.
I see you, courageous woman.
How you long for depth, for realness.
How you struggle with yourself,
with old convictions
– often unconscious.
‘I don’t matter.’
‘My voice isn’t important.’
‘I don’t have anything to say.’
‘It is better to stay silent.’
How scary it is for you to speak.
How terrifying to express your truth.
How hard these moments can be
when you gather your courage to speak
and it isn’t received well.
Not appreciated or valued.
Minimised, ridiculed.

(c) Lucy Campbell
I see you, sensitive woman.
How you adapt yourself.
How you try to conform
to what society asks of you.
What it means to be a woman,
to be a girl.
A good girl.
Compliant. Obedient.
Without any needs.
Not being too loud.
Definitely not too loud.
Not too wild.
In the background.
Supportive. Invisible.
I see you, kind woman.
How you try to be there for everyone.
How you set aside your own needs
in order to care for others.
Your tendency to sacrifice yourself.
How you may have come to believe
that the needs of others are more important
than your own.
How you may assume
it is your responsibility
to make sure everyone around you
is well and happy.
Perhaps you often believe you’re falling short.
Perhaps you are exhausted, running on empty.
Perhaps you can feel a frustration building inside,
a secret desire to have more space for yourself.
Perhaps you also sense it is time.
Perhaps slowly but surely
something is waking up inside you
that is starting to protest, to rebel.
Perhaps you are coming to realise
just like many, MANY other women,
that something has to change.

(c) Lucy Campbell
A new story is on the horizon.
We are on the verge of something new.
A world where women are allowed to shine.
Where they live from a place of worthiness.
Where they dare to speak their truth.
Uncensored. Uninhibited.
The world needs your voice.
The world needs your unique contribution.
The world needs your inner worth,
your permission to fully be you.
To show yourself to the world.
To dare to be heard.
To break the decades of conditioning
of playing small and keeping quiet.
To finally break the cycle
of many centuries of inferiority.
To live more and more
from a deep inner knowing
how precious you are as a woman.
To finally embody your power.
To dare to embody your wild nature.
And to share your fire with the world.
Because it is time.
Your voice is needed.
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